What if you could have a magical birth experience?

“After hours and hours in labor, I was given pitocin and an epidural and still, I was only 4cm dilated. Then, I started to listen to the Birth Chant visualization about my cervix softening into jelly and I listened to it over and over again when “all of the sudden” the doctors checked me and I was 9cm dilated!”

— Ruth, mother of baby Isaac (October 2018)

“I used my Birth Chant while I was experiencing contractions. I started off at 3cm dilated and in less than an hour went to 9cm dialted! This was my first pregnancy and thanks to you my first experience was better than expected.”

— Jazmin, mother of baby Ximena (December 2018)


Trust your body to birth.


Across cultures, growing up, girls often imagine themselves as a mother. Playing with doll houses as they pretend to care for their imaginary family, When along the way to motherhood, do girls create a belief system that giving birth HAS to be painful? That labor and delivery is dreadful and once experienced, needs to be erased from their memory.

Sacred Womb provides you (and your partner) space to re-frame that belief system and guide you to an intentional birth experience that will be cherished instead of forgotten.

A “Birth Chant” is a personalized visualization and vocalization technique created by you with guidance from us. You have the ability within to connect to the universe and use that divine connection to focus your birthing experience. When you create this connection no matter what the body might be going through, you can experience the connectedness you desire, you can tap into the energy of life and pleasure surrounding you when you are birthing. We open your eyes and help you see that it is your choice which birth experience you want to have and we give you the tools to do it regardless of they way you give birth, with or without medication, naturally or by cesarean.

Giving birth is giving birth.


Personalized Sacred Womb Offerings Include:

Sacred Womb Sound Healing Session

Visualization during pregnancy to connect you with your baby

Visualization/Chant Recordings for early & active stages of labor

Midwife / Doula / Birth Practitioner Trainings

Virtual and In person Baby Showers

Custom Coaching Session Packages for Pregnancy and Birth

(*prices available upon request, sessions in person and via zoom)